I still can’t kill defiled Amygdala years later. Fuck up ONCE, lose to RNG ONCE, and you’re done. That jump move still gets me every time. I’ve tried not moving, I’ve tried going to where it jumps, I’ve tried running away, everything that people say works for them kills me. That boss is a bitch.
If I remember correctly I killed it without taking any damage because after a hundred deaths because of the jump I could do first phase blind. One time it didn’t kill me with jump and that was it.
Preach. I had to kill it for the platinum and it took me quite a while to do so. Easily one of the more frustrating bosses in the series. Honestly forgot how much of a pain it was lol
It’s the one boss keeping me from the platinum. I have all other trophies but the ones locked behind it.
I could try checking what my setup was when I killed it if you’re down to trying again. Does summoning work in chalice dungeons? Maybe that’s an option