I think it’s just a matter of what are you used to.
We have monthly rent and salary here, and I cannot imagine how I would know how much money I have if I just got 1/4th of my usual pay. (Mortgage, unemployment benefits, pensions, utility bills, basically everything is monthly).
And we also don’t negotiate yearly salary, nobody knows their yearly salary at all. The job listings are also for monthly.
I don’t know why you would have weekly rent/pay, yearly salary listing for a job, yet monthly bills and mortgages/loans.
I think it’s just a matter of what are you used to.
We have monthly rent and salary here, and I cannot imagine how I would know how much money I have if I just got 1/4th of my usual pay. (Mortgage, unemployment benefits, pensions, utility bills, basically everything is monthly). And we also don’t negotiate yearly salary, nobody knows their yearly salary at all. The job listings are also for monthly.
I don’t know why you would have weekly rent/pay, yearly salary listing for a job, yet monthly bills and mortgages/loans.