Anakin Padme 4 Panel meme (aka: For the Better, Right?) created from the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Both are sitting in a field of grass with a few flowers throughout. Each panel has their face occupy more of the space than the previous. Starting from the top left to bottom right…
Top Left Box: Anakin, a Jedi, squints to his left at Padmé, the love of his life, and says “We need to make sure they never rise against us”
Top Right Box: Padmé, the Senator of planet Naboo, smiles gleefully at Anakin and says “By healing old wounds, right?”
Bottom Left Box: Anakin, looking at Padmé arguably pleased or humoured with his hint of a smile, not saying anything at all.
Bottom Right Box: Padmé, looking at Anakin somewhat concerned, says “Right?”

Context: haha no