A 67 year old lady at my job keeps calling the binder we share a tablet and every time she asks for it, I’m like, “what tablet?”. Yesterday I told her it’s a binder and she said it was called a tablet before my time. But all my grandparents are around the same age and they all call them binders. Was it a regional thing maybe? We’re in the US by the way.
[off topic]
We were in a class talking about X-rays. One young woman kept insisting that ‘opaque’ was a color. We finally figured out that she had seen opaque pantyhose and been confused.
Alpha channel says she’s not wrong
All of you have the same misunderstanding.
“Opaque” is not a color, but you can have a color that is opaque.
A white canvas sheet will stop light from going through; it’s opaque white.