My salary didn’t change at all, but homes went up 82%. The money I saved for a down payment and my salary no longer are good enough for this home and many others. This ain’t even a “good” home either. It was a 200k meh average ok home before. Now it’s simply unaffordable

  • Miles O'
    4 months ago

    Assuming you spend $10 on avocado toast every day, as well as $75 on eating out for every meal, $20 for Starbucks, and ALSO assuming you have $150 worth of monthly subscriptions:

    It will take you 25 years to save one million dollars. That’s assuming you never get sick, never lose a job, never need to buy a car or have major repairs, or basically any kind of surprise expense or setback that could wipe out savings.

    To be the richest person on earth, you would need to save that money every year for over 6 MILLION YEARS

      4 months ago

      Not to devalue your point, but if you truly were spending (10 + 3*75 + 20)*30 + 150 per month (so a total of 7800 USD) and you invest it in an index fund getting back 5%, you’ll have your million in 10 years. 8 years at 10% which is the long-term growth rate of DJIA and S&P 500.

      You’ll still never be the richest person in the world, but if you truly were burning away that much money, you could make decent dough just from investing it passively. In 30 years you’d have like 15 million, more than enough to retire.

      Now the only real problem is that nearly nobody is actually burning that much cash and the “stop eating avocado toast” suggestions are indeed stupid af.