What probably happened is Corporate overlords leadership opted for an easier-to-create game direction while also attempting to diversify the game’s base. Basically, and I may be eating my words as we learn more about the game, I’d expect them to have reduced the cost to create while also attempting to increase profit.
I base this off of other games which have attempted similar feats, and I’m not sure of a single one that was part of a larger series that has turned out well.
What probably happened is Corporate
overlordsleadership opted for an easier-to-create game direction while also attempting to diversify the game’s base. Basically, and I may be eating my words as we learn more about the game, I’d expect them to have reduced the cost to create while also attempting to increase profit.I base this off of other games which have attempted similar feats, and I’m not sure of a single one that was part of a larger series that has turned out well.