• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    21 hours ago

    There is no comparison to Trump

    There are tons of comparisons. That’s the whole fucking problem. It’s not just Trump standing at a podium, alone and out on the fringe, saying shit nobody else agrees with. He is surrounded by like-minded fascist fucks.

    The Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis and Sarah Huckabee types. The old school Pat Buchanans and Duncan Hunters. The newer Matt Gaetz and Mike Johnson and Chip Roy and Laura Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene types. The Dinesh D’Souzas and Charlie Kirks and Candice Owens.

    And I wish that was all of them. You’ve got guys like Eric Adams, in New York, who has adopted all of Trump’s rhetoric and applied it to his own campaign for mayor. You’ve got billionaires like Musk and Thiel and Bill Akman, who flirt with both parties as its convenient, while pushing the most reactionary and vulgar fascist ideologies. You’ve got the Cheneys and the Bill Kristols and the assorted other Lincoln Project goons, who haven’t changed one lick from their 2004 era heyday, but have found a perch in the Democratic Party after being booted from the GOP for criticizing Dear Leader Trump from the right.

    maybe a David Duke type

    Way more common in American politics than you want to admit. The entire Gulf Coast and much of the Midwest is flush with them.

          • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            7 hours ago

            Want to spell it out for me?

            Donald Trump should already be in jail, serving an extended sentence for a litany of crimes

            The fact that he is not is a huge failure of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Garland DOJ specifically.

            These people are unwilling to apply the legal code to privileged elites like Trump. And they are the reason so many J6ers are running around plotting the next set of coups

            • Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world
              20 minutes ago

              Jail has always been a stretch. They’ve gone to the Supreme Court with a number of different issues. So far, what we’ve gotten back is absolutely insane. Like someone who has committed treason/insurrection can run for office and the only way to prevent them from taking office is being found guilty for treason/insurrection by congress.

              That the president is absolutely immune for any and all official acts. So much though, that even evidence of crime that might be considered a non-official act cannot be submitted if he was holding office at the time.

              No friend, this is not the the democrats doing. This is regulatory capture by Trumps GOP. Could things have started earlier? Was Garlen the right choice? How do the democrats go outside of the systems granted to them by current norms and traditions, without appearing to be the very things they are defending against?

              Think about this because you really haven’t considered it if you think just saying, “well the dems didn’t stop it” is a valid argument. It’s was also never my argument that the dems are our saviors. I am even more foolishness and am betting on the American people. Not the likes of you, I’d assume, but the ones who can actually comprehend a better world then this.

              • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
                6 hours ago

                No friend, this is not the the democrats doing.

                The Democrats run the FBI, they run the DOJ and command an army of USAs, and they run the federal prison system which includes a little spot at the tip of an island off the coast of Florida that the SCOTUS has already said you can stuff people indefinitely without even pressing charges.

                Dems have had no problem exerting Unitary Executive Privilege, exercising powers under the Patriot Act, and going over the heads of the courts dating back to the Obama administration (and straight back to the Jefferson administration if we’re counting honestly). Trump’s repeatedly delayed trials, his repeated exemption from lockup as a flight risk, his repeated violation of court orders that suffer no reprisal (the man broke a gag order during the Storm Daniels trial no less than ten times without spending a minute in jail for contempt), and his continued ability to ignore any election law or criminal liability he finds inconvenient are fully consequences of a derelict current administration.

                Think about this because you really haven’t considered it if you think just saying

                The argument that you are putting forward boils down to “The SCOTUS said ex-Presidents can do crimes, so there’s nothing the current President can do”. It presumes enormous amounts of authority held by the SCOTUS and no authority enjoyed by the executive branch. Anyone who has been following politics inside the last ten minutes knows that’s nonsense.

                The question is not a legal capacity to rein in Trump. It is of a willingness by the sitting administrators. Biden’s government has been so conflict averse and so cowardly in confronting his political opposition that he is going to hand the presidency to Trump in the same way Clinton handed the presidency to Bush Jr twenty-four years ago.

                • Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world
                  6 hours ago

                  I’ll ask again.

                  How do the democrats go outside of the systems granted to them by current norms and traditions, without appearing to be the very things they are defending against?

                  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
                    5 hours ago

                    How do the democrats go outside of the systems granted to them by current norms and traditions

                    The same way they’ve always done it.

                    Democrats only abide by Norms and Traditions for the wealthy and privileged. They are perfectly happy to endorse police brutality, indefinite detention, flagrant violations of civil and property rights, and explicit war crimes when the victims of those actions are political outsiders.

                    Treat Donald Trump like George Floyd. Treat the J6ers like Columbia student protesters. Treat the Russian collaborators in the US like we treated Arabs (long) after 9/11. Treat FOX News like RT. Treat Clarence Thomas like George Santos. Treat Israel like Venezuela and Netanyahu like Nicholas Maduro.

                    We all know you can. We’ve seen the Democrats do it. We watched Obama keep Gitmo open for the full eight years of his presidency and Biden keep it open four years after that. We know all about the FBI doing COINTELPRO on progressive activist groups and environmentalist organizations. We know how the DOJ handled Edward Snowden and Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner.

                    Democrats routinely go outside the bounds of the system, particularly when Republicans pave the way for them. Now the question is whether they’re going to defy a SCOTUS in defense of democracy, or whether they’re going to twiddle their thumbs while Rome burns, because carrying water has been declared unconstitutional.

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        12 hours ago

        Cheney started two pointless wars that got nearly a million people killed and left nearly every single person affected worse off except for Raytheon executives and maybe the Taliban.

        Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott have enacted extreme transphobic policies. Abbott made it so that if you know a trans person receiving care and don’t rat them out to the cops, you could face legal consequences yourself - and he diverted resources from underfunded and overworked social workers away from kids facing actual abuse to breaking up loving and supportive families.

        These people have had direct material impacts on the lives of everyday people - they have even had a direct material impact on me, personally. January 6th didn’t. It’s bad sure, but it’s not so much worse than the rest of the conservative platform that Trump is uniquely evil or that anyone who doesn’t see it that way is a “fucking psychopath.”

        January 6th wasn’t even the worst thing he’s done, not by a longshot. Like, at least use his COVID response or immigration as your go-to example, like, something that directly affected everyday people and not just politicians.

        • Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world
          7 hours ago

          These things aren’t the same. No one is arguing america is a country with perfect morals and is incorruptible. I dare you to try and find one that is.

          Trump up ending the norms of our government and threating authoritative rule is beyond anything we’ve seen here in the states. If you want to minimize the implications that’s on you but it’s psychopathic to think no-holds-barred, with complete support of the the supreme court, will be better or the same as the current state things. This is not pluracy this is escalation and if you’re too dumb, or just being disingenuous, I think everyone on every side of this will soon come to understand the Pandoras box being opened here.

          Good luck to you. If I ever meet you, though, please remind me of your views so I can know how degenerate you are before carrying on any normal interaction.

          • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
            6 hours ago

            My brother came back from the war extremely fucked up, started shooting meth to “self-medicate,” tore my family apart and made our lives a living hell, before he finally reached a breaking point and went out to some innocent family’s house with a gun before the police stopped him by shooting him in the arm. I want you to try to imagine what it’s like to hear that an immediate family member might be dying, and feeling nothing but relief that the hell they’ve been putting you through might be ending. That is what Dick Cheney and his ilk did to me.

            But when you sat on your couch watching some guy steal a podium, I'm sure that was roughly equally traumatic.

            I know I’m just a dumb idiot for caring about the tears in my mother’s eyes. I know I’m a disengenuine degenerate for seeing that and realing how much worse the other side had it than we did, for considering that people living in Iraq and Afghanistan are actual human beings and that an entire generation of children grew up terrified of sunny days because that’s when our planes and drones flew. But maybe despite the fact that I’m a huge fucking dumbass for caring about the mass slaughter of innocent people, maybe, just maybe, you could take my concerns seriously anyway instead of condescending to me.

            • Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world
              6 hours ago

              My heart goes out to you my dude. There is only more of that if Trump wins. Will the democrats offer any more hope, no. Sorry, that’s not what I’m selling. What I’m selling is another opportunity for you to fight for your brother.

              • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                6 hours ago

                Don’t make me laugh. My brother is dumbass fascist who watches shit like OAN. “Another opportunity to fight for my brother,” fuck my brother. The only reason anybody should give a shit about him is preventing him from being a danger to others. How about let’s fight for the people he killed, injured, and threatened? How about we start by throwing every politician responsible for those pointless, unjustified wars of aggression behind bars, if not worse?

                It was under Obama that my brother “served” (if you can call it that). He could’ve ended it right then and there and saved countless lives, but he didn’t, and instead doubled-down. Biden was VP during those 8 years and fully agreed with that policy. Then he became president and has us involved in a proxy war through Israel where people are getting slaughtered at an even faster rate than before. Now, we have Harris, his VP, who’s fully on board with his policies.

                I have nothing but hatred for all of these people. And that includes Trump, because Trump is a hawk, but let’s not pretend that he’s somehow uniquely hawkish or uniquely horrible. You say “There is only more of that if Trump wins.” That’s true, but there is only more of that if Harris wins too.

                You want my vote, run a dove. When was the last time they offered us a chance to vote for peace? It’s never going to happen until enough people stand up to them and demand it.

                “If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches and pull it out 6 inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it out all the way that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out, much less healed the wound. They won’t even admit that the knife is there.”

                  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                    5 hours ago

                    I care about people taken advantage by a broken system, which is why I talk about the issues that have actually affected people.

                    How dare you lecture me about being “dispassionate” about my brother’s suffering, about being a “psychopath” for not caring about him. You have no idea - not even the smallest iota of comprehension - of what I went through to bring me to that point with him. Imagine being a 9-1-1 operator on call 24/7 for a year. Imagine that every time you logged on to social media like Facebook, you had to worry that he might see you were on and start dumping all sorts of accusations and conspiracy theories and trauma and if you didn’t get involved he’d make a big deal out of that too. Imagine trying to do all that while working 60 hour weeks back-to-back at Amazon.

                    And just for the record, I stayed in contact with him longer than my sister did, and she’s one of you.

                    How smug and condescending can you possibly get? To call me a “psychopath” because I wrote him off as dead to me after he turned my life into a constant living hell, after he threatened innocent people. On top of that, I’m trans and a big part of why I’m still in the closet with my family is because of him.

                    You liberals get to sit around, safely separated from all the pain and suffering you cause, and then you have the audacity to judge the people who have to pick up the pieces of your shit that your people caused. You don’t like who I am, well tough shit, because the people and policies you support are what turned him into what he became and what turned me into who I am.

                    I hope someday you get to experience blowback too. I wonder how long you could bear it before you became “a psychopath.”