FlyQuest vs GEN.G
Worlds 2024 - Quarterfinals
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I had tickets for this quarter final, I thought it wouldn’t be so exciting when I first saw the matchup, but boy was I wrong! Wildest series of quarters, I’m so happy I went!
Game 4 (Yes, there’s a game 4.)
I like the comp. Fly’s got a real chance here to make history.
Alright, a perfect 9 minutes from FlyQuest, but what do they have left?
Game 5. (jk, or not?)
RIP that was just brutal. Once the baron steal happened the game felt like it was over already. Just got worse from there
If someone doesn’t hit that vision cone, Gen.G wouldn’t have known in time.
Edit: this is wrong. See below.
Apparently it’s no visible from fog. God, what a series though. GenG seemed awfully relaxed in game 5 imo, I wonder if they felt confident enough to beat Fly with their ultra scaling comps and weren’t too worried (maybe not rightfully). Looking forward to semis.
It’s visible from fog. Junglers know this well.
I’ve also heard it mentioned that the players can just hear/feel the crowd when they react. If they appear to be reacting strong to nothing… well, guess what the surprise might be.
My friend, I am a master jungler. Here’s proof for you about blas cone being invisible if you don’t have vision at about 3:30.
I agree about the crowd, although usually players say they aren’t focusing on that, and the noise cancelling should help a bit.
I stand corrected. And props to that guy for testing.
There is some nuance there before you take it into your own games, but in this case they did not see the scryer’s bloom.
Man, I reviewed the vod several times and it really looked like Ziggs and Rumble were reacting to it. Seems they were reacting to something else, which is unfortunate, but part of the stage game as it is now.
Actually, I see some people talking about that you could perhaps hear the bass from the baron on stage from the speakers! That’d be crazy.
Game 2
If FlyQuest gets to play this game 10 times, I think they win at least 4 of them. Maybe more. FlyQuest coaching is doing work.
Amazing. Not only is it a kill for Bwipo, it’s also GenG missing a dragon.
Does Gen.G ban Nunu for game 3?
I’m a little disappointed our R5 pick is Renekton into Jax.
Game 3
idk why Ez didn’t hit that turret with 6 grubs.