I’ve been seeing the exact same posts, in the same order, with almost no change in up/downvotes. It’s been like this for at least 6 hours.
Did everyone agree to take an internet break and not tell me or is something not working correctly?
I’ve been seeing the exact same posts, in the same order, with almost no change in up/downvotes. It’s been like this for at least 6 hours.
Did everyone agree to take an internet break and not tell me or is something not working correctly?
I’ve tried to look up how to DM a user and I haven’t found a way yet, so I’d like to know as well.
To DM someone open their user profile by clicking their name then click the little envelope icon. To ping someone just mention their username preceeded by an
ampersand@ like so: @dhhyfddehhfyy4673Cool, thanks! And just a heads up, but ampersand is &, don’t think the at symbol has an equivalent one word term.
Ah, right. I wrote that lying in bed around 1 AM, surprised I got any of it correct.