New account but I’ve been using burner accounts and lurking since the sub got banned. I’ve been seeing all the standard liberal brainworms again for the first time since and everytime it’s an account from another federation. I was tepidly against federation at first but this has been entertaining, like the old days of
people who wandered into the sub.
I gotta imagine this will only last another week before everyone defederates us, but let’s enjoy it for now.
Seconding the “local” recommendation! I was really confused by your comment until I realized I was on local the whole time for some reason lol. It’s almost nobody from other instances, like 1-2 comments per big thread. I’m actually gonna go check out All now for some fun hahah
Yeah mods need to pin a PSA:
if you don’t like federation, set your default filter to “local”, it basically makes it like it never happened
I wish we could make “local only” posts
Yes, local only comms have been in the issue tracker for a couple years now. It’ll come eventually
Completely ignoring that they still come and shit up our threads, but sure, “say it louder for the people in the back”
Its literally like the old subreddit. One person posts a dorky liberal take and like 25 replies tell them to fuck off. To me, it’s a positive. It’s not like there’s any chance of a liberal hegemony on the site.
wdym? it’s like 1-2 in a large thread and they just get dunked on, creating hundreds of posts. don’t click on the threads with tons of posts.