Hmm why does it have a third eye in the last pic.
they paint their antlers
How do they hold the spray can in their hooves?
Will this make them more visible to predators or hunters?
Any predator with highbeams.
I suppose it depends on what spectrum of light it interacts with, but that seems unlikely. These aren’t glowing in the dark - they just reflect light back that is shining towards them.
Yes, it seems to be retroreflective. Which means that the reflection is only aimed at the light source mostly. That also means the most visible they’d be is around sunrise and sunset and moonrise and moonset because the predator could be standing between the antlers and the sun, meaning the sun is being reflected right back at the predator.
When the moon is overhead though, it’s still going to make them stand out. The reflections aren’t perfect obviously so any scattered light from the antlers would absolutely alert predators.
They could hang a STOP sign between the antlers, that would be funny.
I hope you guys realize this infact is not common practice in Finland.
We do however have speakers next to roads where mooses cross them and when moose is detected a voice of a granny speaking in traditional Finnish starts playing and spooks it away.
Imagine how freaky it’d be to see glowing antlers bobbing down the road, seemingly floating in the air.
Maybe get them to stop fucking driving instead?
edit: I see there is a lot of pro Reindeer-behind-the-wheel sentiment here. Then you live with the consequences!