I’m a fan of BBS software. IMO, they’re still the best type of platform for community-based discussion, planning & collaboration that may span over weeks, months, or more. BBSs are declining in usage, mainly because other social media have eaten their lunch…

But there are still many thousands of forums out there, each an island on its own… Independent; each site a labor of love…

I am enjoying Mastodon, especially for discovering new music, but something about toots & micro-blogging feels like shouting in the wind & hoping someone hears you through the gale… 😆

I use SimpleMachines forums. (Yes, it’s still around!) As a baby step to bringing the two worlds together, I developed an SMF mod to monitor toots & post them in your SMF forum:


#simplemachines #SMF #RSS #rss2 #rssfeed #fediverse #babysteps #mastodon #bonkwave