I have mentioned before how extremely impressed I am with pages such as the Japanese SDE guide that has not one but several “Meta” lists, including an environmental characters and equipment summary that lists excellent characters across sensible roles such as general DPS, attribute-specific attacker, support, and even “tank”.

The individual character pages are also astonishingly good, imho - e.g. Sesta’s that, aside from translation difficulties, offer great support to newer players. Explanations as to the major things to look out for (in multiple forms, some for beginners and more advanced advice separated out for veterans of the game), exact party line-ups that can work well, exact listings of several pieces of suggested equipment, including thoughts requiring deep knowledge of very fine-grain technical artifacts of the game that would otherwise require direct testing (e.g. in her case, that Enhance Normal Attack grasta does not work, which is not mentioned on the global wiki at the time of this writing), etc.

Like for a veteran player who left the game for a year and returned, such a person could stare at one of the character pages on the global wiki for an hour to get even deeper knowledge as to how they work, and then still be left guessing what other characters exist that could work well alongside them, but these pages get you a significant fraction of the way there, very quickly (which is what most people want from a guiding resource? well, at least casual players do).

But that much is obvious: what I am wanting to mention further today is that there is so much more to the Seesaa wiki than even all of that! That wiki btw is where the global wiki gets the Superboss ranking list, but even so I had no idea that also the specific enemy boss pages are also so helpful! Such as the one for Land Avatar & Crab Bonze. The global wiki version has some weaknesses and moves each turn so I am not claiming that it is empty or useless or anything like that, but in comparison the Seesaa wiki’s has just so much more! e.g., the distinction between a merely “large” physical resistance debuff vs. one that is fully ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, renewed each & every turn - and that written in red lettering to really draw attention to that fact, so that you really know what you are up against. Then, scrolling down, I see strategy, an entire long description of multiple parties that would work, turn-by-turn descriptions for them, alternate approaches for those bored with the easy way and want to mix it up a bit, and even direct links to videos to watch some of those in action.

I think most non-Japanese-reading people do not know about all that is available on that site b/c of the rather large difficulties in interpreting the translation. e.g. you cannot just type “Eva” or “Yipha” into the search box and find who you are looking for, and often the names differ in spelling. A particularly troublesome example is that the wind-based Yipha is sometimes called Efa, and other times Eva, which can be confusing! However, even with those significant barriers to understanding and using the site, these days I still find myself visiting the Seesaa wiki as my first stop oftentimes to look up information.

The same writer akashic_lin apparently also made the superboss ranking list (or at least made the last edit, but I am unable to see prior to that for whatever reason). All of that enormous body of work (you can see their contribution logs by clicking their username) must have taken a GREAT DEAL OF EFFORT!! And I, at least, want to say that I appreciate it. I do not know if more than a handful of people will read this, and even then how many will make it to the end here:-), but I did want to offer that regardless, just in case someone was interested in hearing it:-). (yet sorry not sorry, I will not crosspost this to Reddit, b/c it would instantly be drowned out by accusations that I “hate the global wiki” or some such nonsense, as my own contributions log should be well more than enough to dispel any notion of but… you know how Reddit works:-)

akashic_lin, I wish to extend to you my public thanks for your extraordinary efforts on behalf of the players of Another Eden.

  • niantre@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    thanks for the heads up! are you using a web translate feature to read these pages?

    every time i see how active the AE community is in the JP side (including fanarts) i ask myself, “is it time to start learning japanese”? (fyi: i am too lazy to do so, i just like to pretend i’m going to do something about it)

    • OpenStars@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Yes, Google Translate can do it for a given URL, or if using Chrome it offers to do so automatically. Normally I use Firefox on my mobile, but I am not aware of a plug-in for Android (in the stable build for Firefox available in the Play Store anyway) that will do that automatically, although that link I think will work, just the once (but then if you click from there, I think you’d have to go to all the trouble of visiting Google Translate and giving it the new URL:-).

      Either way you access it, reading the pages really is quite a pain, and for content that is on both the global and Seesaa wiki - such as the list of skills that each character has - I definitely recommend the global wiki as being easier to read. Which is why it is so remarkable (to me) that I find myself going to Seesaa first these days despite that. It is just fantastic info, pre-digested for those of us who are too lazy (yes actually, that probably is the right word, but lets go with “casual” instead anyway:-) to do all that analysis work ourselves!:-P

      Using that info, I am able to beat several older Superbosses that I have tried the very first time, and most often when the overwhelming offense approach fails (with my substandard grasta + other equipment), simply adding AS Soira or Radias usually works then to beat it the second time:-P. I am sure the more recently-added ones are significantly more challenging, but still I find it helpful to have a more gentle introduction to things, so that I do not have to do as much personal in-game testing, as e.g. I did with Sesta’s basic attack replacement skill where I confirmed that the Enhance Normal Attack grasta did not work (that one I did prior to reading these pages, but it is so much easier to just have the results of someone else’s testing than it is to have to do that grunt work myself, you know?:-D).

      • beithioch@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Are you putting the url into Google Translate? Every time I do, I get a “page doesn’t exist, do you want to create it” link. Something to do with the site’s URL resolver, I’d guess. I’m on Firefox, by the way.

        • OpenStars@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          Wow I am not sure how I found your reply - my notifications on kbin have been broken for days now, saying I have some but “We are working on resolving the issues” every time I click it, even after re-logging in.:-)

          On desktop, my Chrome just automatically offers to translate it. On my Android Chrome it can do that as well. On desktop Firefox there are several plugins that can do it - e.g. “TWP - Translate Web Pages”, which I just tested does function for the Hidden Superboss ranking page - though I tend to use multiple browsers simultaneously all the time and for this task I always just use Chrome. For mobile Firefox… I do not think there is a way, at least with the version of the app in the App/Play Store, although I have heard that plugins/addons (all? some? I do not know) are available for precisely that purpose in the nightly release/build version.

          If I go to Google Translate, click on “Websites” and paste the URL, it does not work:-(.

          So I just use Chrome. I hate Chrome. But in this case, it works:-). Fwiw, there are zero ads iirc, unlike e.g. Altema’s site that is horrid with them (so in THAT case I very much go to the trouble to switch to Firefox - I love Firefox, mostly:-), although I did not test for any trackers.

          • beithioch@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Kbin has been… something… lately. Their feature work has been very busy so there’s a number of things that are gonna wobble.

            Figured your answer would be to use Chrome. I use it at work, but avoid the Big G when I’m able in my personal usage. May have to break out my dirty box that I don’t care what is on it. lol

            • OpenStars@kbin.socialOP
              1 year ago

              I used to love Chrome. Not as much as Firefox, obviously, but like it at least allows you to create and use multiple profiles, which I NEED to do for my work… and at that point I just stay in it for home as well. Or at least used to until this whole ad thing. :-(

              Btw, I just looked up how to do that on Firefox: I know it used to be able to do that easily, and apparently it still can! You just have to type the magic incantation, sacrifice a virgin to the gods, hack your registry, … and oh yeah, nobody is quite sure whether it works on Mac OSX or not (except other people say that it definitely does not, and that was about a year ago).

              So that explains why I use Firefox on my Android, Chrome at work, and Chrome and also Firefox at home. And ofc if the Firefox devs can’t even figure out something as simple as user profiles on Mac OSX, I do not expect much in the way of them making GOOGLE Translate work on their browser, especially given how if they figured it out, Google would immediately break it (b/c you know: its’ motto is to not be evil - see? they put the word not right there in the motto, so you know it must be true:-D oh wait, except it’s gone now, but I am sure that we have nothing to worry about, ever again!:-P).

              Also, my apologies for the slow reply: my notifications still does not work.:-( I found this thread talking about it, and while I did not think that mine was from the same cause, I am going through every single thread for everything that I’ve ever commented on over the last several weeks hoping that visiting the page will cause the issue to resolve itself. It halfway worked: I’m down from count=4 (though it will not show me what they are) to then count=2 and visiting here reduced it further to count=1, so unless the initial one is the cause of it all (as seems likely though, according to that thread:-P), I may be almost there!:-D

              • beithioch@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                I work in software dev, and supporting random things is a nightmare. And with agent strings, it’s meaningless since antagonistic devs can basically just kill your browser. It’s frustrating.

                As for kbin, I get the feeling the dev team is a bit overwhelmed. They released when they did because of Reddit, but saying it was in beta was a bit on the generous side. At the least they should have hidden non-functional controls and did some UI tidying. Instead, they pulled off the alpha sticker, slapped on beta, and YOLO’d it, IMO. I don’t think it was a wise move.

                • OpenStars@kbin.socialOP
                  1 year ago

                  I still like the thought of Kbin better than Lemmy, at least in theory:-). But like, even finding your reply to my recent comment was much more of a chore than it should have been: first, while I can see the count of Notifications=3, clicking on that gives me that 500 error b/c one of the threads I responded to weeks ago on a different instance was deleted by a moderator there, so Kbin still “sees” it by some measures apparently and yet cannot see it by others; and then second, only in this magazine and nowhere else, I can ask for comments by Newest… and yet that seems to sort by the parent comment, so this one where you replied 27 minutes ago is 4/5ths down the page rather than up at the very top, along with the comments made 6 days. 6 days < 27 minutes… amirite!? :-P (b/c 6 < 27, see?:-P)

                  Yeah, it’s hard, and I’m sure they must be very frustrated. I would even halfway be tempted to try to help except I need to focus on my job right now and also I know nothing about this style of programming and while I am sure I could learn I am equally sure that by the time I did, many of these problems will be fixed already so it would be a more long-term commitment:-).