I’ve decided undecided voters have low critical thinking skills and/or are attention seekers

  • stoly@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    I know that there are a number of people who simply don’t pay attention and suddenly realize that they have no idea what’s going on when election time comes around. THEY are the undecided voters.

    What you see in the media, however, does not convince me that they are genuinely undecided. I believe that a lot of people claim it for the attention they get. Then we have examples of people pretending even though they are actually part of someone’s campaign.

    • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
      6 days ago

      I find it hard to believe in these circumstances there are truly undecided. trump was president for four years and there was so much crazy. If someone saw and agree if it was crazy I can’t see them voting for him and if someone did not see or did not agree it was crazy then I think its likely they will vote for him.