Me using my 1200 kg econobox to reach destinations that public transport doesn’t give a hoot about is doing absolutely nothing to the planet compared to a rich person’s private jet, or cobalt mining, or manufacturing and shipping all the cheap plastic stuff people buy that they don’t even need from China etc.
I am all for walkable cities, I love my hometown where walking and cycling is not only possible, but infinitely better than driving. Yet I can coexist with cars in the same spaces. But I have so far seen absolutely zero viable arguments against car ownership. It’s a part of our personal freedoms that’s just more lucrative to take away than to fix the systematic problems of the world.
The main issue here? I’m not willing to give up my freedoms, and the rich fucks running this shitshow have no incentive to lower their profits.
This community’s counterpart on reddit started out great, but it quickly transformed into an extremist echo chamber of idealists that are painfully out of touch with the real world.
Am I an environmentalist? You are damn right. I grew up on a farm and in nature. It’s amazing and must be protected at all costs. But, do I think I personally contribute anything worth noting to that? No. If corporations and the ultra wealthy got their shit together, everyone in America could be rolling coal in their diesel pick ups and it wouldn’t matter. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD DO THAT, but I will not feel guilty for contributing a drop to a flood done by the top 0.1%. Me personally, I think the whole carbon footprint thing is great, but it’s pushed on the masses to try and be like “you guys better drive clean cars and recycle!” as their crude oil burning cargo ships and mass growth and slaughter of our fellow creatures on this planet do most of the damage. Everyone should be held accountable, but at what point is someone like me sacrificing something that gives us a little joy in our miserable little lives for at best, at absolutely best a wishful thought? My MR2 and Truck and Jeep make me happy, I won’t feel guilty for enjoying them.
In my mind yes, because of environmental concerns.
Me using my 1200 kg econobox to reach destinations that public transport doesn’t give a hoot about is doing absolutely nothing to the planet compared to a rich person’s private jet, or cobalt mining, or manufacturing and shipping all the cheap plastic stuff people buy that they don’t even need from China etc.
I am all for walkable cities, I love my hometown where walking and cycling is not only possible, but infinitely better than driving. Yet I can coexist with cars in the same spaces. But I have so far seen absolutely zero viable arguments against car ownership. It’s a part of our personal freedoms that’s just more lucrative to take away than to fix the systematic problems of the world.
The main issue here? I’m not willing to give up my freedoms, and the rich fucks running this shitshow have no incentive to lower their profits.
This community’s counterpart on reddit started out great, but it quickly transformed into an extremist echo chamber of idealists that are painfully out of touch with the real world.
Am I an environmentalist? You are damn right. I grew up on a farm and in nature. It’s amazing and must be protected at all costs. But, do I think I personally contribute anything worth noting to that? No. If corporations and the ultra wealthy got their shit together, everyone in America could be rolling coal in their diesel pick ups and it wouldn’t matter. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD DO THAT, but I will not feel guilty for contributing a drop to a flood done by the top 0.1%. Me personally, I think the whole carbon footprint thing is great, but it’s pushed on the masses to try and be like “you guys better drive clean cars and recycle!” as their crude oil burning cargo ships and mass growth and slaughter of our fellow creatures on this planet do most of the damage. Everyone should be held accountable, but at what point is someone like me sacrificing something that gives us a little joy in our miserable little lives for at best, at absolutely best a wishful thought? My MR2 and Truck and Jeep make me happy, I won’t feel guilty for enjoying them.