a quick countdown of the 10 best new features in GNOME 47!

  • New Dialogs
  • Better Touch
  • Disk Mounter
  • Custom Bookmarks
  • Custom Shortcuts
  • Custom Variables
  • Default to Vulkan
  • DRM Lease
  • Accent Colors
  • File Picker
  • Wayland ACTUALLY works!
  • pnutzh4x0r@lemmy.ndlug.orgOP
    1 month ago

    Depends on your perspective, I guess. To me, GNOME is now pretty mature, stable, and reliable. That is one of the reasons why I left Pop-shell for a more vanilla GNOME experience.

    COSMIC has a lot of hype right now, but based on my experience (and others), it is not at all stable or ready as daily driver. That is not to say it isn’t exciting but at this point in time I value stability and being able to just use my computer and GNOME provides that.

    As the Linux luddites used to say, not all change is progress :)