Stephen Wolfram explores minimal models and their visualizations, aiming to explain the underneath functionality of neural nets and ultimately machine learning.
Feel free to say anything on-topic. Right now you’re in Reddit mode: nothing to contribute, but really eager to put words into the box. This is a Wolfram article; you could be on-topic with as little as “lol wolfram sux”.
You mean these totally reasonable comments that almost everyone upvoted? lol ok.
Ah yeah that must be why everyone except you upvoted my comment… Come on dude. This isn’t even on topic.
Feel free to say anything on-topic. Right now you’re in Reddit mode: nothing to contribute, but really eager to put words into the box. This is a Wolfram article; you could be on-topic with as little as “lol wolfram sux”.
Err… Why are you criticising me for going off-topic when it was literally you that did it? Weird.