You can completely opt out of the credit card spam ones with a simple sign up on a federal website, but I forget the exact one and am too lazy to hunt it down. Only lasts 5 years though
Or you can do a full mail in thing for the lifetime one, might do that since I just hit my 5 year and started getting spam again
It’s not a federal website, it’s a “joint venture among Equifax Information Services, LLC, Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Innovis Data Solutions, Inc., and TransUnion, LLC (collectively the “Consumer Credit Reporting Companies”).”
So it’s not technically government-enforced in any way, but the credit bureaus just kind of decide to honor it to be… nice?
You can completely opt out of the credit card spam ones with a simple sign up on a federal website, but I forget the exact one and am too lazy to hunt it down. Only lasts 5 years though
Or you can do a full mail in thing for the lifetime one, might do that since I just hit my 5 year and started getting spam again
The site is OptOutPrescreen, by the way!
It’s not a federal website, it’s a “joint venture among Equifax Information Services, LLC, Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Innovis Data Solutions, Inc., and TransUnion, LLC (collectively the “Consumer Credit Reporting Companies”).”
So it’s not technically government-enforced in any way, but the credit bureaus just kind of decide to honor it to be… nice?
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Yeah, those are the details!
It does actually work, and I assume it’s entirely because of what the other reply said
Capitalism is shit, hopefully more people can learn about this because it IS nice, even more hopefully the law gets changed to end it