Temperatures above 50C used to be a rarity confined to two or three global hotspots, but the World Meteorological Organization noted that at least 10 countries have reported this level of searing heat in the past year: the US, Mexico, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, India and China.

In Iran, the heat index – a measure that also includes humidity – has come perilously close to 60C, far above the level considered safe for humans.

Heatwaves are now commonplace elsewhere, killing the most vulnerable, worsening inequality and threatening the wellbeing of future generations. Unicef calculates a quarter of the world’s children are already exposed to frequent heatwaves, and this will rise to almost 100% by mid-century.

  • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    oh it’s much worse than that. not that it isn’t also that and them doing that isn’t the reason we didn’t get started mitigating this shit seventy years ago when we wouldn’t have needed substantial sacrifices.

    see, climate scientists are scientists. that means they can only announce what they KNOW, what they can be very confident in, what IS in the data.

    the thing about climate change is; it’s full of unknowns, most of them bad. so they can’t say “we have had this many unknown unknowns pop up and fuck our shit up, and expect (range of numbers) more”, because that’s predictive, and it’s useful, but its not SCIENCE, because science is inherently a very conservative bedrock-of-knowledge try-not-to-give-permission-to-fuck-up paradigm of knowledge. that’s not a flaw generally, it’s why we can trust it and why it’s hard to compromise, but generals and combat sports athletes do not choose their actions scientifically-it’s too fucking slow, and they would all fucking die/get punched in the face and lose literally every single time.

    so while they have calculated the known dangers of the path we’re tumbling down, they can’t really include the assumption that there was a military base here during a civil war 20 years ago, and both sides in that conflict really liked land mines. they can only point to specific mine fields they know about, even if that’s way less than any other site that was involved in that conflict.

    so however bad a climate scientist says it’s going to be, dude, holy shit, it’s going to be so much fucking worse. however much time they say we have, we have less than that. how much worse? how much less? no fucking clue.

    no way to know unless we sit on our asses and let it happen, at which point everyone dies.