Like, what the fuck ever happened to compassion?! It just seems like every fucking person online nowadays has to be passive-aggressive to someone JUST to get their stupid point across. Like, why are people so goddamn inconsiderate of others well-beings these days? It seems like they truly get a hate boner from every fucking thing they see online and think it is okay to be an asshole to them. Getting your point across to someone does NOT mean you can be an asshole about it and speak in a very rude and passive-agrressive manner to the OP. Have some goddamn compassion and at LEAST be nice when you’re talking to them. Back in the days when I was first on the internet in the early 2000s, people were FAR more understanding of shit and weren’t fucking assholes about it when trying to explain something to people. The Wild West of the internet was truly a much different and far better place than the internet we have now. Now, pretty much EVERY site like Reddit and Twitter has assholes being passive-agrressive or have a straight-up shitty attitude in general. Speak your mind even ONCE and people feel the need to be an asshole about it. There are features like the fucking block button for a goddamn reason, use them wisely and efficiently! If you truly do not like what someone has to say, fuck off somewhere else, leave the person alone, and block them if you so chose to. Being a fucking asshat about it doesn’t get you anywhere, and NOR does it get your point across. All it does is makes you hated by the people who DO ACTUALLY give a shit. There is a serious fucking lack of respect, empathy, and compassion these days. These days a fucking MONKEY is more compassionate than a human, and I truly hate to say that, but it’s true. We are truly going BACKWARDS with being ‘human’ with each other. This needless rudeness only makes me miss the old internet even more.

    • HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.mlOPM
      6 months ago

      No, absolutely not. These types of people will speak in a rude and passive-aggressive manner and then justify their selfish actions by saying shit like “welcome to the internet, you’re opening yourself up to it, blah blah blah”. No. No one is opening themselves up to being treated with disrespect just for voicing their opinions on something. Sometimes people need to get shit off of their chest, voice their opinions, make themselves heard and sometimes even seeking advice from people. You can absolutely give out advice without being an asshole and being condescending. It is not that fucking hard to have respect for people’s opinions. If you actually be nice to them and give advice in a kind and considerate manner, then that advice will actually be helpful. But no, you instead choose to spew out hate then give out advice like it has any value or worth at this point. The advice is supposed to help people out, not make the person feel like shit. “Not sure what you expected” I expected to be treated with respect even if you don’t agree with me. This is exactly why the old internet is so much fucking better. People actually gave a shit about others online and didn’t act like total douchebags. If you’re gonna treat others badly you will be treated the same way. It’s called having “respect” for people, which most, if not all of the people on the modern internet severely lack. Being an asshole doesn’t get your point across, it just makes you look bad and it makes it so no one wants to be around or talk to you. If you don’t want that, then be respectful to people including the OP. Be an asshole to people, and you will be treated the same way. It’s not that fucking hard to have respect for others, stop acting like it is.