An important question this article ignores, is why private school vouchers are chosen over public schools?

  • Bongo_Stryker
    7 months ago

    It’s partly a push to privatize all schools and partly a tactic to get public funding for religious schools. Why should a secular government pay for religious schooling? Mostly it’s about privitizing.

    School privitization is a purely ideological fever dream of Milton Friedman who believed that profit driven free markets are the most efficient at doing everything, and that the only social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. This makes sense for widget factories and pottery barns, but not public services, not childcare and not the education of a nation’s citizens. Efficiency is not the most important metric of success if it means making services unaffordable or unavailable to portions of the public. A profit seeking school could deny service to learning disabled or neurodivergent children. Trying to make a profit in cases like this would probably mean more government intervention, and the results are usually less beneficial to the public than the government services provided in the first place. Anyway, private schools aren’t any better than public schools.