More pictures in comments. This picture is Olight S1R Baton II (left) vs Rovyvon A23 (right). The Rovyvon uses a Nichia 219C emitter in cool white (about 5700K iirc).)

It’s the same complaint you hear time and time again, emitters with awful tint and CRI. When I was still new all I cared about was Olight, so I’ve amassed a pretty significant collection. It was only when I first tried a Hank light with Nichia 519A emitters that I finally understood why tint and CRI matters.

Also, now that I’ve learned the Anduril 2 UI every other light just feels limiting.

  • Showroom7561
    7 months ago

    Do you see the tint in real life or only in camera? Yes, the Olight looks green in your photo, but the other one looks reddish. But cameras suck at white balancing, unless you use a grey card or something like that.

      • Showroom7561
        7 months ago

        I own quite a few Olights (not anything from the Baton line, though), and while I would describe them as “warm”, I don’t notice them as being green with real-world use.

        That said, colour temperature is a matter of personal preference. I find that some lights are too “cool”, and that bothers me more than a warmer light. But I don’t blame you at all for preferring the Royvyon beam!