• mozz@mbin.grits.dev
    1 month ago

    pouring money into the economy/printing like we have undoubtedly had some impact on inflation.

    See this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about

    It’s easy to hear it and just nod your head like yeah, printing money, pouring money into the economy, makes sense, Biden bad

    Except it’s just a bunch of nonsense. Trump printed a bunch of money and then poured it into the economy (including, quite literally, around a trillion dollars of just out-and-out “I lied on the form and got away with it” Covid aid fraud). That’s part of why we had the huge post-Covid inflation. Biden, in contrast, raised corporate taxes by trillions of dollars, and then spent it on (poured it into) the economy. That’s why the US economy is doing better than most first world countries inflation-wise, either at this point, or in total aggregate, and why we saw wage growth that for the most part kept pace with the huge bump of inflation which we certainly did get in 2022.

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        1 month ago

        How much money did Biden print? Why didn’t it have any impact on inflation before or after 2022? Why did he do it, and what was the alternative?

        (There actually is a sense in which what you’re saying has some validity, but I think most of what you’re saying is inaccurate and I am curious if you know the sense in which it is true, or are just saying that Biden printed money because that’s a fun thing to say. And I wasn’t saying Trump doing it meant Biden didn’t; that was just by way of contrast with Biden’s actions which in no way were printing money to solve problems, to any degree that I’m aware of.)

          • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
            1 month ago

            Okay, so you don’t know. Here’s a very in depth article about it – briefly summarized, most of the idea that Biden printed money or caused inflation or pain for working people is pure outlandish fantasy. But, his explicitly working-class-friendly policies (summarized here) did “cause inflation” to a certain extent – basically, by keeping people employed and eating, they were able to bid up the price of goods, which spread the pain of the Covid recovery (pretty much limited to the singular year 2022) across the entirety of the economic spectrum when inflation was going to happen anyway. But that’s a good thing, and a very rare reaction for a US policymaker to have. And again, that inflation was actually in the final analysis near the bottom of what other countries experienced anyway.

            IDK man. You’re right that I was being condescending about it. But I think your analysis is completely wrong, and I think that explicit propaganda which looks very similar to what you were saying is very damaging to the politics of this country.

            Let me try a different way, more polite: If I got you wrong and you were trying to say what I said above, then sure, I apologize. If I had you pegged right and you were just claiming that Biden was printing money because that’s a fun thing to say, then I stand by it.