Weirdo can’t keep what actually happened separate from his own fantasies.

  • floofloof
    7 months ago

    “I was on a helicopter with Jerry Brown and Trump, and it didn’t go down,” Mr. Newsom said, 56, in an interview. He said that Mr. Trump had, however, repeatedly brought up the possibility of crashing.

    Lol - Trump confused his fear of crashing with an actual crash.

    “And Willie was — he was a little concerned,” Mr. Trump continued. “So I know him, but I know him pretty well. I mean, I haven’t seen him in years. But he told me terrible things about her. But this is what you’re telling me, anyway, I guess. But he had a big part in what happened with Kamala. But he — he, I don’t know, maybe he’s changed his tune. But he — he was not a fan of hers very much, at that point.”

    He said all this not realizing he was thinking of completely the wrong guy, and just making shit up. What an idiot.

    7 months ago

    Mr. Trump’s visit to the burned forest with then-Governor Brown and Mr. Newsom did generate headlines, but not because of anything that occurred on their helicopter ride. Rather, it was because, during a news conference after landing at the scene, Mr. Trump, 78, attributed the wildfire to too many fallen, dead tree branches and said the answer to solving California’s wildfire crisis was to rake the forest floors.

    Maybe he should have drawn a circle around the fire with a Sharpie.