The new feed is full of links that redirect to the same website.
As moderators, we’ll need the ability to auto-block posts from certain sites and certain keywords.
I ended up blocking the whole [email protected]
Probably smarter. I’m up to 33 users blocked now. I was looking at the python API to see if I could automate my block list.
Those are rookie numbers, yada yada
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Yeah, it looks like I’m going to have to temp block random as well. It’s just a dearth of nsfw spam at this point.
I had one (edit: multiple accounts) with a gazillion nsfw threads linking to multiple redirects (something with guru, I ran them through an online scanner). My adblocker nuked them instantly though but there’s potential malware behind them.
Random is completely swarmed right now
I successfully blocked all of them at the moment, but that’s only good for me of course. I’m hoping the mods can find a moment to go through and block all of them. All were created yesterday, all are accounts from and all have only been posting links with strange domains and badly written porn keyword titles.
My blocklist of these bots is copy/pasted below:
gowteaulewe tiondisatprof derfconopje unavarra righlirile comprojuslio helmlagoman setstourredit omcararo roamistcentken verlobini desctanlumacc etazennes kyandisvibta presupador rorttricegse roodictbidfind surcontbestfrom dhantimerpers sesonik858 decenneme bioriovermi deresdiator nighptimanwa aruginla critaranper earthriphexri dreamboosnivors reithumbcucat complereturk deprorali resrisouda rolzincpentai tergalute createvavex pididoti kibuponigg ingratovlen polborade conshohoslitt tieprosanon djosachalta inoutlire reclictdohuast sufehbertpo geridsapa vaucropechex tiaprohfaghi aninmurroi contcingbedslo hoopsmulilea bilasunoc
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Click on the server name & block it for all time.
The server is I think someone created a ton of bot accounts on it.