
After a long process of roaming the web, re-runs and troubleshoot the script with this wonderful community, the script is functional and does what it’s intended to do. The script itself is probably even further improvable in terms of efficiency/logic, but I lack the necessary skills/knowledge to do so, feel free to copy, edit or even propose a more efficient way of doing the same thing.

I’m greatly thankful to @[email protected], @[email protected], @[email protected] and Phil Harvey (exiftool) for their help, time and all the great idea’s (and spoon-feeding me with simple and comprehensive examples ! )

How to use


  • parallel package installed on your distribution

Copy/past the below script in a file and make it executable. Change the start_range/end_range to your needs and install the parallel package depending on your OS and run the following command:

time find /path/to/your/image/directory/ -type f | parallel ./script-name.sh

This will order only the pictures from your specified time range into the following structure YEAR/MONTH in your current directory from 5 different time tag/timestamps (DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate, FileModifyDate, ModifyDate, DateAcquired).

You may want to swap ModifyDate and FileModifyDate in the script, because ModifyDate is more accurate in a sense that FileModifyDate is easily changeable (as soon as you make some modification to the pictures, this will change to your current date). I needed that order for my specific use case.

From: '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/'

To: '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/'

As per exfitool’s documentation:

ExifTool evaluates the command-line arguments left to right, and latter assignments to the same tag override earlier ones.


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <filename>"
    exit 1

# Concatenate all arguments into one string for the filename, so calling "./script.sh /path/with spaces.jpg" should work without quoting


FIRST_DATE=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')

if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then
        exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"

        echo "Not in the specified time range"


Hi everyone !

Please no bash-shaming, I did my outmost best to somehow put everything together and make it somehow work without any prior bash programming knowledge. It took me a lot of effort and time.

While I’m pretty happy with the result, I find the execution time very slow: 16min for 2288 files.

On a big folder with approximately 50,062 files, this would take over 6 hours !!!

If someone could have a look and give me some easy to understand hints, I would greatly appreciate it.

What Am I trying to achieve ?

Create a bash script that use exiftool to stripe the date from images in a readable format (20240101) and compare it with an end_range to order only images from that specific date range (ex: 2020-01-01 -> 2020-12-30).

Also, some images lost some EXIF data, so I have to loop through specific time fields:

  • DateTimeOriginal
  • CreateDate
  • FileModifyDate
  • DateAcquired

The script in question


shopt -s globstar


for filename in $folder_name/**/*; do

	if [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
		DateTimeOriginal=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename")
	        if  [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -lt $end_range ]; then
			/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
			echo "Found a value"
		echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"


        elif [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                CreateDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename")
                if  [ "$CreateDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$CreateDate" -lt $end_range ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                        echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 27)CreateDate$(tput sgr0)"

        elif [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -FileModifyDate "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                FileModifyDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -FileModifyDate "$filename")
                if  [ "$FileModifyDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$FileModifyDate" -lt $end_range ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                        echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 202)FileModifyDate$(tput sgr0)"

        elif [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateAcquired "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                DateAcquired=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateAcquired "$filename")
                if  [ "$DateAcquired" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$DateAcquired" -lt $end_range ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                        echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 172)DateAcquired(tput sgr0)"

        elif [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -ModifyDate "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                ModifyDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -ModifyDate "$filename")
                if  [ "$ModifyDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$ModifyDate" -lt $end_range ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                        echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 135)ModifyDate(tput sgr0)"

                echo "No EXIF field found"


Things I have tried

  1. Reducing the number of if calls

But it didn’t much improve the execution time (maybe a few ms?). The syntax looks way less readable but what I did, was to add a lot of or ( || ) in the syntax to reduce to a single if call. It’s not finished, I just gave it a test drive with 2 EXIF fields (DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate) to see if it could somehow improve time. But meeeh :/.


shopt -s globstar


for filename in $folder_name/**/*; do

        if [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ $(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename") =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                DateTimeOriginal=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename")
		CreateDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename")
                if  [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -lt $end_range ] || [ "$CreateDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$CreateDate" -lt $end_range ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                        echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"



  1. Playing around with find

To recursively find my image files in all my folders I first tried the find function, but that gave me a lot of headaches… When my image file name had some spaces in it, it just broke the image path strangely… And all answers I found on the web were gibberish, and I couldn’t make it work in my script properly… Lost over 4 yours only on that specific issue !

To overcome the hurdle someone suggest to use shopt -s globstar with for filename in $folder_name/**/* and this works perfectly. But I have no idea If this could be the culprit of slow execution time?

  1. Changing all [ ] into [[ ]]

That also didn’t do the trick.

How to Improve the processing time ?

I have no Idea if it’s related to my script or the exiftool call that makes the script so slow. This isn’t that much of a complicated script, I mean, it’s a comparison between 2 integers not a hashing of complex numbers.

I hope someone could guide me in the right direction :)

Thanks !

  • GenderNeutralBro@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 month ago

    I have not tested this, but I have a couple ideas off the top of my head.

    #1 - Retrieve all fields with a single exiftool command. e.g. ALL_DATES=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename")

    Then retrieve individual fields from $ALL_DATES with something like awk. e.g. echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}' will return the first field (DateTimeOriginal), and changing that to ‘{print $2}’ will return the second field (CreateDate).

    #2 - Perhaps process multiple files with a single exiftool call. e.g. exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate ~/Pictures/*. You might compare whether running just this exiftool query once vs running it in a loop takes a significantly different amount of time. If not, it’s probably simpler to use one call per file.

    Edit: I doubt the either find or globbing will use a significant amount of time, however, the issues you have with find and spaces in file names can be worked around by using find’s -print0 option. This prints out file paths separated by NUL bytes (i.e. ASCII value 0). You can then loop through them without needing to guess when whitespace is part of the path vs a delimiter. A common way of dealing with this is to pipe the output of find into xargs like so: find ~/Pictures -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -L 1 echo 'File path: '. That will execute echo 'File path: ' <file> for every file in your Pictures folder. It’s a little more complicated. You can also use a for loop like so:

    find ~/Pictures -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file_path; do
        echo "Processing: $file_path"

    Note that when you pass a blank string with read -d '', it reads to a NUL char, as documented here: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#index-read . I’m not 100% sure if this is true in older versions of Bash or other similar shells.

    • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
      1 month ago

      Hello :) !

      Thanks for the nice write up <3 ! Not only did it improve the processing speed but it also made my script way more readable <3 !

      #1 - Retrieve all fields with a single exiftool command. e.g. ALL_DATES=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename")

      I went from 16min for the same sample to:

      real	4m47,630s
      user	4m16,868s
      sys	0m32,487s

      That’s like a BIG improvement !!! Thank you very much !!!

      I don’t know if I did it how you had it in mind but here is a snipped of how I changed the script

      shopt -s globstar
      for filename in $folder_name/**/*; do
              ALL_DATES=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename")
      #       echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}'
              if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
                      if  [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') -gt $start_range ]] && [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') -lt $end_range ]]; then
                              /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -r -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                      echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"

      While every file gets processed successfully I get A LOT of error from EXIF tool, it seems like something is still looping through the files while they have already been moved?? I will try to investigate why it throws this error.

      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2078.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2079.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2080.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2081.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2082.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2083.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2084.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2085.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2086.JPG
      Error: File not found - /home/user/Pictures/2018/September/IMG_2087.JPG

      #2 - Perhaps process multiple files with a single exiftool call. e.g. exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate ~/Pictures/*. You might compare whether running just this exiftool query once vs running it in a loop takes a significantly different amount of time. If not, it’s probably simpler to use one call per file.

      Hummm, I can’t think of where and how I could fit it in the script :/ Will probably have to do a lot of try&break.

      Thank you very much for your help and insightful edit with find :).

    • ShadowA
      1 month ago

      This is probably the answer.

      Op, it’s generally not native bash that’s slow, it’s the overhead of calling a fresh copy of exiftool each time. Especially if it’s written in Perl, where it needs to be freshly interpreted / compiled each time.

      • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
        1 month ago

        Hey thanks for the info :)

        As everyone seems to suggest I need to find a way to call only once exiftool. But that’s out of my league right now :) I’m pretty happy with the 4min improvement by only changing how the script loops through my files.

    • hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
      1 month ago

      Ah yeah this suggestion is much better than mine. Reducing the number of calls to exiftool is probably the easiest way to speed things up, and giving it a glob instead of individual files is definitely worth trying because it can be quite a bit faster sometimes depending on what’s being run

    • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
      1 month ago

      Hey ha :) Sorry to pin you, I just wanted to give you a little update !

      I was maybe a bit to hasty to cheer up. With the last updated script, It actually behaved strangely, some if statements were skipped, looped strangely through my folder and it wrongly ordered many files with the wrong Field. Also it raised many strange errors I couldn’t make any sense of while looking at the script…

      HOWEVER !!

      I changed how my script loops through my files according to your find suggestions:

      find ~/Pictures -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file_path; do
      ALL_DATES=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path")
      for images in $file_path; do
              if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') -gt $start_range ]] && [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}') -lt $end_range ]]; then
                      /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$images"
                      echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"

      While it doesn’t give me the “BIG improvement” I dreamed yesterday, it does give a non-neglieable improvement ! Also there are no errors anymore and the script loops perfectly through all files… So it’s a win :D.

      real	11m5,139s
      user	9m47,445s
      sys	1m16,224s

      To further improve the script, I probably need to find a way to make only a single exiftool call, as you suggested, but that’s probably out of my league… Also I already lost enough amount of time to somehow put this together without any coding skills and just wrongly make use of a tool I have no clue about !!!

      Thank you very much for your help :))))

      • GenderNeutralBro@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 month ago

        Glad it’s working! Couple more quick ideas:

        Since you’re looping through the results of find, $file_path will be a single path name, so you don’t need to loop over it with for images in $file_path; anymore.

        I think you’re checking each field of the results in its own if statement, e.g. if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}')... then if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $2}')... etc. While I don’t think this is hurting performance significantly, it would make your code easier to read and maintain if you first found the correct date, and then did only one comparison operation on it.

        For example, exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path" returns five columns, which contain either a date or “-”, and it looks like you’re using the first column that contains a valid date. You can try something like this to grab the first date more easily, then just use that from then on:

        FIRST_DATE=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')

        tr -d '-' will delete all occurrences of ‘-’. That means the result will only contain whitespace and valid dates, so awk '{print $1}' will print the first valid date. Then you can simply have one if statement:

        if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then

        Hope this helps!

        • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
          1 month ago


          I found something interesting ! It seems that the tag FileModifyDate is not being processed in the script! After removing all time tags except FileModifyDate the file is not even processed, it directly goes to the else statement ! I’m still digging :D

          Hey again !

          Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and ELI !

          I gave it a try and while I understand what it does (thanks to your concise and easy to understand examples) and how it should be implemented exiftool seems to behave very strangely (maybe a bug, but I guess skill issue).

          FIRST_DATE=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')
          if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then
          	/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$file_path"

          As per the exiftool documentation (source example 12)

          -directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' 

          In this command the Directory tag is set from multiple other date/time tags. ExifTool evaluates the command-line arguments left to right, and latter assignments to the same tag override earlier ones, so the Directory for each image is ultimately set by the rightmost copy argument that is valid for that image.

          However, it sometimes skip the DateTimeOriginal field and takes FileModifyDate instead even if the first one is present. My guess is that exiftool needs more time to correctly process the file, but it’s only a guess ! Because with the for loop and all elif calls it works without any issues.

          Thanks again for your insightful help :)

          Side note: I gave a test run with only one time field to see If there is any time gain with calling only the first valid date, while it seems ~2ms slower per file I think it would really make the difference without all the elif calls on the long run !!

          Thanks again !!

          • GenderNeutralBro@lemmy.sdf.org
            1 month ago

            Off the top of my head I’m not sure why that would be. To troubleshoot, it might help to print the output every step of the way so you can see if there are any oddities. Something like this perhaps, in place of the FIRST_DATE= line.

            echo $file_path
            EXIF_OUT=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path")
            echo "$EXIF_OUT"
            EXIF_FILTERED=$(echo "$EXIF_OUT" | tr -d '')
            echo "$EXIF_FILTERED"
            FIRST_DATE=$(echo "$EXIF_FILTERED" | awk '{print $1}')
            echo "$FIRST_DATE"
            • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
              1 month ago

              Heyho :)

              Back again ! Thanks you for helping troubleshoot !!! It’s was actually something else… (my reading skills) !

              ExifTool evaluates the command-line arguments left to right, and latter assignments to the same tag override earlier ones.

              That’s why everything was messed up, because it took the last assignment to write the directory date… I feel quite stupid/bad and added unnecessarily noise to Phil Harvey’s forum :/.

              Thanks to you and another user I greatly improved my script and went from 16min to 1min21s for the exact same batch ! He/she proposed to use the parallel package alongside the script to make full use of my CPU cores ! Also, another way to loop through my files. It’s a mix of both your ideas and it looks so much better ! Thank you very much for your help ! 😘

              if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
                  echo "Usage: $0 <filename>"
                  exit 1
              # Concatenate all arguments into one string for the filename, so calling "./script.sh /path/with spaces.jpg" should work without quoting
              FIRST_DATE=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')
              #echo $FIRST_DATE
              if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then
                      /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                      echo "Error"

              time find /home/user/Pictures/ -type f | parallel ./exif-test.bash

  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
    1 month ago

    I would assume that exiftool is where most time is spent. Spitballing here and I’m just ever so slightly drunk (shut up I know it’s Thursday) so don’t take me too seriously, but maybe you could parallelize this somehow?

    Something like modifying that script so that it takes a list of files as arguments (escaping might become a problem though because fucking bash) and then munges them, and then either in the shell or in another script you use eg GNU parallel to run that script on yourdir/**/*?

    edit: you’d want to check if it’s easier to use cli arguments or stdin in a script being run with parallel, been a while since I used it. Could be either one is fine

    • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
      1 month ago

      Hey :)

      Thanks for your input, but I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about XD. Not because you were slightly drunk (cheers BTW a bit late… But I also had a couple yesterday after bagging my head with bash) but I’m really not familiar with bash or programming logic etc…

      Just changing how my script loops through the variables, I went from 16min to 11min not bad at all :) There’s probably quite some room to even further reduce the processing time… But hey that’s the best I can do right now and I’m tired running the script over and over again to “troubleshoot” !

      • hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
        1 month ago

        Ah sorry lol, I happily assumed you’re just a bit unfamiliar with bash and not programming in general – you’re definitely doing a great job if that’s the case, shell scripting isn’t exactly easy in a lot of ways like you discovered with how spaces in file names can bork things sometimes. But yeah, 11min isn’t terrible at all and if you don’t have to run that script very often there’s not much point in spending time optimizing it.

        Just for future reference in case you end up scripting again, what I was thinking of was instead of processing every filename in $folder_name/**/* one at a time, you could do it in parallel with some creative rewriting, meaning you’d possibly be able to take advantage of having a multicore CPU – but whether it’ll actually be faster depends on a lot of things so it’d basically just have to be tried and timed.

        Something along these lines, totally untested, the script can be further optimized and might not even run as-is, but should give you the idea. Starting off with the script, I modified it to just take a single file name as an argument:

        # exif_date_filter.sh
        if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "Usage: $0 <filename>"
            exit 1
        # Concatenate all arguments into one string for the filename, so calling "./script.sh /path/with spaces.jpg" should work without quoting
        DateTimeOriginal=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal "$filename")
        CreateDate=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -CreateDate "$filename")
        if [[ "$DateTimeOriginal" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "$CreateDate" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
            if  ([ "$DateTimeOriginal" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$DateTimeOriginal" -lt $end_range ]) || 
                ([ "$CreateDate" -gt $start_range ] && [ "$CreateDate" -lt $end_range ]); then
                /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                echo "Found a value"
                echo "Okay its $(tput setab 22)DateTimeOriginal$(tput sgr0)"
                echo "FINISH YOUR SYNTAX !!"

        So it’s called as ./exif_date_filter.sh /some/image.jpg

        Then, assuming you have GNU parallel installed (should be easy to find on just about every distro), you could do… uh, I think just eg. find /home/user/Pictures -type f | parallel ./exif_date_filter.sh to automagically run as many “copies” of that script at the same time as you have CPU cores

        • N0x0n@lemmy.mlOP
          1 month ago

          Hello :)

          Thanks again for your input and spoon feeding me ! I took some time to understand but when I got it I felt excited. Because I’m unable to further improve to script itself using my hardware is such a great idea !!! I would never though of that !!

          And after a single test drive on a sample, it was BLAZING FAST (3min on a 2200 sample thanks CPU cores :D)! Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge !! You brought my hope back.

          Thanks 😘 👍 🙏


          I rewrote the script and combined your solution with the script

          if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
              echo "Usage: $0 <filename>"
              exit 1
          # Concatenate all arguments into one string for the filename, so calling "./script.sh /path/with spaces.jpg" should work without quoting
          FIRST_DATE=$(/usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')
          #echo $FIRST_DATE
          if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then
                  /usr/bin/vendor_perl/exiftool -api QuickTimeUTC -d %Y/%B '-directory<$DateAcquired/' '-directory<$ModifyDate/' '-directory<$FileModifyDate/' '-directory<$CreateDate/' '-directory<$DateTimeOriginal/' '-FileName=%f%-c.%e' "$filename"
                  echo "Error"

          running time find /home/user/Pictures/ -type f | parallel ./exif-test.bash took 1min21s for 2200 files without any errors and everything is perfectly organized !!! Thanks a lot !!!