I have not been able to notice a pattern as to why/when this happens. But after the black screen for a few seconds, it comes back to the login page.

I’ve updated the bios to the newest version with no success, would love some assistance at least debugging this. This is my relevant system information:

System Specs

  • f00f/eris@startrek.website
    2 months ago

    This sounds like the Wayland compositor is crashing. Some troubleshooting steps that might help to narrow down why:

    • Make sure all system packages are up to date (sudo dnf upgrade)
    • Next time this happens, run sudo dmesg and sudo journalctl -ab as soon as possible and post the last 30 lines or so of the output of each here. It might help explain the cause.
    • If all attempts at solving the issue fail, from the gear menu on the login screen, select “GNOME on X11”. This session may lose some functionality, but is less likely to crash in the same way.