I spent the last few days working on this. It features songs from a variety of µ-Ziq/Mike Paradinas releases to make an album that feels like the original Royal Astronomy. Let me know what you think!

Regular YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZIQTa_kwZhD1inUhb_lJYyU8Qjd_akod

YouTube Music URL: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZIQTa_kwZhD1inUhb_lJYyU8Qjd_akod

Basically my idea is…

  • The Fear Remixed=Scaling
  • Local Jogger=The Hwicci Song
  • Dirtwah=Autumn Acid
  • Lexicon=Slice
  • Off Lemon=Carpet Muncher
  • Hard Love=The Motorbike Track
  • My Piano & Me=Mentim
  • Not the Fear=The Fear
  • Morning Frolic=Gruber’s Mandolin
  • Tugboat=World Of Leather
  • Perfame=Scrape
  • Orange Crumble=56
  • Grape Nut Beats 1=Burst Your Arm
  • Happy=Goodbye, Goodbye

And then a bonus, rougher approximation of Royal Astronomy

  • Robin Hood Gate=Scaling
  • Piriton=The Hwicci Song
  • Wergle the Proud=Autumn Acid
  • Epic Blista=Slice
  • Stop!=Carpet Muncher
  • Silk Ties=The Motorbike Track
  • My Mengegus=The Fear
  • Dancing Demons=Gruber’s Mandolin
  • Housewife=World of Leather
  • Qisope=Scrape
  • It Starts With Bongos=56
  • Space Invaders=Burst Your Arm
  • Flicklife=Goodbye, Goodbye