• SatansMaggotyCumFart@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The ritual to summoning wilt beest p’rf’rm’d by two pow’rful hags. T requir’d three blood sacrifices to p’rf’rm’d ov’r three days, the lasteth one on the final day of the foison, halloween. Blood from the final sacrifice wilt then beest did collect in a chalice, wh’re one of the hags shall recite an fusty celtic incantation (which v’ry hard to heareth) at a black altar with pentagram, 5 black candles, goat death’s-head, an unidentifi’d grizzled rocketh/'re with a hexagon motif did inscribe with a metal spike protrusion protruding in its middle, a chalice did fill by blood which did collect bef’re in third sacrifice, and a celtic crosseth madeth from stone. Once done, the earth shall cracketh allowing samhain to taketh living of a meatsuit.