• Sonori@beehaw.org
    8 months ago

    The problem was the statistically proven fact that left to their own devices will try and fill a role based on the idea of what they think the person who fills that role will look like in their head, and for most positions that looks like a white guy.

    A few decades ago the fact that major companies were routinely and systematically passing over more qualified not white men in favor of under qualified white men who looked the part induced a public backlash big enough that many major corporations were forced to at least publicly pretend that they were implementing a watered down version of the plan to equitise these barriers that was fought for by a guy called Martin Luther King Jr.

    This resulted in a cooperate data driven approach to level these barriers to ensure that the most qualified candidate for the position was hired instead of the candidate who mearly looked like the candidate who closest matched the image the hiring manager had in their head called Affirmative Action.

    This data driven approach didn’t really work and the public kept complaining that the difference in who got hired based on who looked whitest was continuing, so companies began working on researching and educating their hiring managers on these subconscious bias through a broad range of programs classified as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in hiring and the workplace.

    Then the right complained that dispite the fact that white men were still getting hired easier and had a lower bar to pass than everyone else that really they were the ones being reverse racismed based on vibes because they needed a way to explain that the reason it’s hard to get a job and work sucks wasn’t because of decades of continuous free market policy and the rile up the base and show that the Jews and Blacks were replacing all the good white people. Now here we are.