It’s possibly one of the most supportive communities you’ll find, but without the right resources, Amazon could squander it…

  • FiveMacs
    1 year ago

    Anything thought of or proposed by a company only has the main goal of profit. It’s never innovation, making the world better, making technology better…it’s ONLY profit

    • mo_ztt ✅
      1 year ago

      That’s going a little far I think. Every company is made of people; they might be greedy, they might be kind, they might want to start a company because they believe in the idea, or they might not care and just be in pursuit of profit. BeOS, Apple back in the Wozniak days, Paizo, Kobold Press, every publisher of books, every clothing company that sources their manufacturing inside the United States… nope, doesn’t count, they’re never about anything but the money. I don’t agree with that – certainly there’s room for an individual company to make a good human decision. It happens every day.

      Put it another way, if you assert that there’s no room in any company, public or private, for any value aside from profit, then you subtract from the ability to criticize a company like Wal-Mart or Amazon that really does think that way – because them destroying the world in blind maximization of profit isn’t anything unusual or anything any other company wouldn’t do in exactly the same fashion.