It’s Monday, the start of a new week.

Ask your embarrassing, silly, or worrisome questions. Come learn and discover without judgment.

  • Affaires de PiassesOPM
    2 years ago

    presuming the CPP is still a thing in 30 years

    I wouldn’t worry that much about that : The most recent triennial report by the Chief Actuary of Canada indicates that the CPP is sustainable over a 75-year projection period.

    Based on our current knowledge, CPP running out of money is a myth.

    I guess we could stop everything we do for fun (which isn’t excessive) but then what kind of a life is that?

    Like everything, you don’t have to stop completely: for example, for multiple reasons, we recently decided with my family to reduce our meat consumption, going with 2 vegetarian and 2 vegan days per week ; to go local for our vacations which is usually cheaper ; to change our habits to spend more time outside of our house, for example in local parks or at the library ; to priorise picnics to restaurants when going on outings for the summer… it has had some good impact on our finance while not negatively impacting our quality of life.

    • CaptainFlintlockFinn
      2 years ago

      Good news about the pension!

      We’ve made a bunch of those kinds of changes too. It feels good but I’d rather not cut the cheap and cheerful stuff too. I don’t actually think it’ll come to that though.