Today is Juneteenth and also the international day for the elimination of sexual violence in conflict
So apparently child protection have taken note of the troubles they caused and have decided I’ll be spending the next week at a hotel. Odd decision, seems cheaper to just move the new one out and then everyone would be better off, but I’m not going to complain. It seems like a flashy one and has an indoor gym.
I get to escape the chaos of this place and the weird workers they’ve put here (that’s a whole other rant, but some rando who refuses to talk to you sleeping on your couch is kind of uncomfortable). And if I put a water jug in my fridge, it won’t go missing!
Maybe they see you are more responsible to be in a hotel than the other person? Bonus, you’ll hopefully get to enjoy better heating during this cold snap! Hope they sort it out and you can get back to your home soon.
Most likely. I spent about a month on my own when the old LT went on holiday to Indonesia. And I’ve never caused intentional property damage and don’t smoke (they’d be worried about the bond) But they’re paying a lot of money for the 24/7 workers just for the other kid, I would’ve thought it’d have been cheaper to move him back to a Resi (which does also have 24/7 staffing, but is subsided by 3 other kids)
I was told that the regional manager is back (he was away and his replacement was a dick and didn’t raise his concerns about the new kid being placed here) and he’s not happy with the situation and agreed to represent the agency and push for the new kid to be moved out (they’re the ones paying for the workers, which ultimately comes from their profit margin, so they’re incentivised to move a lower maintenance person in anyway).
The program manager seems to think he will be moved out after I, the old LT and 2 people from my care team all wrote letters about the situation. But there’s no timeframe for that, could be a few days, or it could be a few weeks. But probably not more than a month if the department agrees he’s not suitable for lead tenant.
So I’ve actually been kicked out of 1 Resi house before, and from the day the organisation decided they wanted nothing to do with me until I was somewhere else was about 17 days. I won’t get into it, but I was an angry kid placed in a bad situation
ok all you mofos stuck in horrible cold shitty rentals come over here where there’s whole house heating to 20c and there’s cats and beanbags and I’m making muffins and we’re on a hill so we can buy rifles and snipe your slumlord bastards.
You better be careful making these offers, because you had me at “cats”. If your house has a good view of train tracks, I’d never leave!
Sounds like a plan. Ventured out into the sun for a bit and it’s kinda nice out there. Now back to work wearing a doona.
I realised this morning that this is the first time I’ve ever spent a cold snap in a house that didn’t completely fuck me up. I’m fuckin’ 45
You really should complete that last sentence. 45 what?
Potato anuses
I’m officially Simon. Yay? Lol
Had an interview this morning which went ok I think. Will find out if I go to the next stage tomorrow.
I am both amused and irritated. Diversity is massive in IT. Until very recently, I was the only person in my team actually born in Australia. Now 2/13 of us were born here.
Whoever is hiring IT people should be able to cope with your name.
Simon rules 🤘
Simon says “hire me” lol
I suddenly want to watch Die Hard 3 now.
You got this Simon! I’m cheering for you!!! You should be so proud of yourself! 💜💜💜
Thank you ❤️ Just finished one of those dumb aptitude tests for another job. So silly.
I loathe those things, such pseudo-science.
They’re so fucking stupid. It’s obvious what they want to hear. Just pepper it with a lot “I’m a bit different” type answers and there you go
"If you have one bucket that contains 2 gallons and another bucket that contains 7 gallons, how many buckets do you have?”
Oh oh I know this one! 9!
Loaf mode activated 🍞
If it fits, I sits. If it’s too large, I sit anyway to prevent ANYONE ELSE from sitting there.
This describes the bed situation. Right in the middle. It’s like it’s intuitive to be in the way lol
I love her peanut whiskered face 😍
Am sad. Work getting worse. Procrastination for job seeking continues.
it's this kind of morning, apparently
(Pardon the mess, still working on the built in wardrobe so the linens and dross boxes are stored down my side)
Pinned by cats, what a terrible way to wake up. One of mine was even under the covers with me.
Punkin was an absolute “crawl under the doona” boy. And I don’t mean like the other two, who are “tent your legs peasant bitch and make me a yurt” he would literally spoon. Big or little, he didn’t care.
Foxy is my little spoon. Even puts his head on my pillow and tucks his back feet in the palm of my hand. I’m guessing Punkin was a ginger boy? They love like no other cat.
the most bestest ginger ever there was
Ain’t no love like theirs.
My tabby is under the doona most nights, and usually demands the middle. Greedy little bugger.
Foxy is in the middle, claws pointed towards the other half. Then he kneads the air just to make sure he’s not disturbed. Little fuckers.
The winter solstice is in 2 days. On one hand, sad, but on the other, things will only be on the up and up for the next 6 months
I can’t wait. The days have been too short. Its getting dark at 4:30 right now
Seriously. It’s depressing.
Just going off topic a bit, you got the daily title code wrong Baku!
@[email protected] swap the 🅰️ & 🅱️ around
Happy Dance. Fairy Wrens have returned to my little terrace garden. 🥰
I ran a short story competition at some schools for the kids to win copies of my books and I’m reading through the entries today and man, kids are morbid. It’s kind of funny how wild their imaginations get.
And one of them had a genuinely sad and depressing ending. It was a story about a girl and her mum and it mentions she doesn’t know where he dad is and how she wishes she had a sister and then bed creatures attack her and kill her mum and she runs away but theres more monsters and she runs back into the house and lays on her bed ending it with ‘why should I save myself. I’ve lost everything I’ve loved.’
Wowww that’s brutal. How old are the kids? That’s a cool competition though! How will you select a winner?
Primary school age. I don’t have any details on them aside from name (for obvious reasons) but I’d say they’re grade 4 and up.
Well, picking winners was easy for 2 schools. There were going to be three winners from each school. One school submitted 3 stories and one submitted one so they win by default. I’m currently writing each a personal letter congratulating them and some thoughts and writing advice.
The other school submitted 10. I haven’t read them yet but I’m gonna feel bad for the ones who don’t win. I’m almost considering giving them all a copy.
Oof, I remember writing some real grim stuff when I was in primary and highschool lol. Scared a couple of my English and Literature teachers.
Kid’s imaginations are wild, untamed places lol
That’s incredibly sad for someone so young to feel.
Right! I’m hoping they are very creative and it’s not reflective of something going on in their lives.
I reckon I’m gonna use the peace and quiet to have an early night. Tomorrow’s DT is all yours goonsy 😉
(Or whoever else wants a chance in the spotlight)
sure :)
Just got rid of a whole lotta concrete at the tip. Nearly died when they were trying to charge $151. Got it for $31.50 instead.
But that was very satisfying throwing it on the pile, loud noises breaking shit. Threw one bit up the top of the pile and caused an impressive concrete avalanche.
But jeez the matress disposal area… most of those were better than mine.
That is a wild difference in price, how did you get it so low?
The lady saw how much there was (not really a whole lot) and felt sorry for me heh.
haha nice one.
cries i woulda taken them for free. Crazy paving
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I have a few words to say
That is all.
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1 2 3
Listen up!
To your battlestations!
Time is now for climate action!
But we react to distractions
From capitalist corporations
And tyrannical nations,
Inciting a class war,
Bigotry we can’t ignore,
For a higher number
On the genocide score.
So we vocalise our protestations,
But we can’t walk the streets
With our slumlords to please;
Rent is still due, utilities too
So at work we spew:
We can’t go out to fight
When we have work that night,
Two kids, a dog, a cost of living blight;
It’s tight.
It’s too much of a bleah day, and the second night in a row I can’t use my shower because the landlord messed up their emails telling me it was gonna get re-caulked or something yesterday (and I just rolled over and said OK even though I had basically zero notice and can’t use my shower for 36 hours). Too peopled out to ask a friend to use theirs. Just retreating to bed with a cuppa and a pitiful mood and gonna have a yarn to my auntie interstate to feel a bit more at ease