After the citizens of Jeiyan turned themselves into permanent children by abusing potions of youth, there was a crackdown on chronomancy and anyone who had the ability to manipulate age or time was viewed with suspicion or potential danger. The goddess Rhine would have been consulted about the dangers of chronomancy, but she is a sleeping deity and her energy permeates the entire world even without her doing anything. This left all the people with these powers to act independently and many of them ended up simply fleeing to Jeiyan where their power was more accepted. Others worked underground and in black market businesses that gave people eternal youth or aging people to their desired year. This was overlooked by the authorities of hell who did not care what anybody did.

The complex and controversial opinions that people had about chronomancy eventually changed when it became more mainstream and more of its uses were discovered. Manifestations were sped up, life obstacles could be delayed or averted entirely, and a person could be given more time in the day or kept in the present moment through mindfulness. Rhinne’s energy and the magic associated with her is now mainstream but its offensive uses are discouraged, such as aging people or using chronomancy to make people relive bad times.