It’s going to take a bit of time. Please bear with me through the process.
🔺 Publicly traded
🔺💲 Publicly traded but mostly privately owned
💲 Privately owned
🔷 Non for profit and/or trust ran by board of directors (Note: I suggest taking a long look at who the board of directors are, especially AP and NPR)
- British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
- Associated Press (AP)
- Mother Jones
- National Public Radio (NPR)
- The Guardian
There are a lot of Brits running a lot of American (or thought to be American) media groups, I’m going to include quite a few British publications. There is also an American on the BBC board.
🔺 538:
◾ Owned by ESPN & ABC(?) which is owned by Disney
◾ CEO is G. Elliott Morris
American data journalist who is best known for his work on election polling and predictive analytics. From 2018 to 2023, Morris was a data journalist for The Economist. In 2023, he became the editorial director of data analytics at ABC News including FiveThirtyEight.
Ed note: It is unclear as to who the board is or if ESPN or ABC actually run it. Maybe both?