Greg Walter, from Winchester, says he feels betrayed as he and his partner are struggling to get visas to live in Italy

    1 year ago

    Something something bendy bananas.

    I worked as a customs expeditor for a while. The utter stupidity of the brexit debate and many an ardent brexiteer came close to giving me an aneurysm on a weekly basis. I mean, we all know people are pretty dumb. I’m really dumb too when it comes to plenty of subjects.

    But to hear politicians coming out with some of the stuff they came out with. A country run by crayon eaters. And not just stupid, but agressively stupid. Really putting the effort into becoming dumber by the day. “We’ve had enough of experts!”

    I suppose the silver lining was that I was entirely undissapointed when covid hit and similarly high level geniuses came out of the woodwork.

    Honestly, some people deserve applause even if they fail to wash their hands after taking a shit. At least they’re not licking them clean like an inbred poodle. I mean, they should wash their hands, but my expectations have been lowered by hard won experience.