• jadero
    2 years ago

    I agree, but I think we should pay more attention to the tipping point of not getting our asses together.

    Taking action requires massive and global changes to the way society works and the way governments interact at both small scales (federal, regional, municipal) and large (treaties, international law, knowledge transfer, wealth management). We cannot fix the climate without first fixing society.

    < wall of text rant removed >

    On reflection, I think the real tipping point was c. 1980 with Thatcher (there is no such thing as society), elected in 1979, and Reagan (government is the problem, not the solution), inaugurated in 1981. Everything flows from the policies and societal structures they created and destroyed. For 30 years we’ve been taking for granted that the society they and others like them forged is just how things work. And we’re still actively moving the wrong direction.