Just wanted to hear yalls experience I never really used krita before, im using libresprite currently

  • TruePe4rl@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    I have tried both, Libresprite is nice, but I am more used to working with Krita, alhough my laptop really dislikes it and heats up. Was not an issue when it was booting Linux so an OS issue I guess.

    Libresprite is obviously more plug and play experience.

    Krita has a decent pixel art support, but requires a bit of setup. Some tools have Antialiasing option in Tool options docker, so you may play around with that, if your selections and fills are getting messed up. It has some pixel brushes, but if you decide to stick with it for a while I would recommend making some brushes and patterns for pixelart on your own as well, just for the sake of convenience. Also make sure to customize your dockers (UI).