The cognitive dissonance of the US and its president are so glaring. I kind of agree, insomuch as comparing Hamas to the exponential evil of Israel is offensive. Israel created the deteriorating conditions that birthed Hamas through genocide, and then punished the Palestinians with more genocide.
Yeah, yeah. It’s law, justice and the international community that’s wrong
Also people who are opposed to a little casual genocide…
I really just want to launch him out of a trebuchet.
Hamas. Pretty evil. Netanyahu’s govt. Also pretty evil.
Both had alternatives. Both chose the most violent and hateful paths.
I don’t think the ICC has any chance of success, but they are right to try.
Netanyahu’s govt is more evil, if you just go by bodycount of innocents, and methods of murder. Hamas hasn’t starved any children.
What was the alternative for Hamas?
Gotta love the veto…
Good thing the ICC is independent of the UNSC and doesn’t give a shit.
He’s never gonna get it