Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.

  • Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  • Replication Layer: Enabled
  • Server Crash Recovery: Enabled
  • Starting aUEC: 20,000


  • Launcher 2.0
  • Ship AI Pilot Balance Pass
  • NPC Locomotion Polish
  • Medical Bed Respawn Update
    • T3 medical beds will allow respawning up to 20km away
    • T2 medical beds (which previously allowed respawning up to 20km) will now allow respawning up to 50km away
  • AEGIS Saber Raven Gold Standard
  • Made Further Gamewide Client Performance Optimizations
  • Interior Map Materials Optimization
  • Water Caustics Visual Polish
  • Added Character Creator Validations
  • VFX Visual Improvements and Fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - UI - Oversized active Armistice Zone icon (STARC-108910)
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Actor - Respawning - Players who die and then get disconnected before respawning become stuck in a dead state and are unable to respawn
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - UGF - Locations - Bunker elevator does not return up when called (STARC-111250)
  • Fixed - Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / UI - QT effects are breaking HUD UI (STARC-104656)
  • Fixed - PU - Gamewide - Using a medpen causes you to drop your weapon
  • Fixed - PU - Distribution Centres - Elevators - Several elevator transit carriages created & destroyed immediately
  • Fixed - MULTIVEHICLE - PU - Vehicles / Components / Locations - It is possible when vehicles are spawned from fleet manager that radar components and elevator panels can detach from the ship and float permanently in a hangar, causing issues with collisions (STARC-101070)
  • Fixed - ARGO Mole / ROC - PU - Vehicle / UI - Vehicle HUD - Mining Mode UI has a variety of defects obstructing gameplay (STARC-88859)
  • Fixed - Drake Cutlass Black - Vehicles - Drake Cutlass Black is unable to liftoff from landing pads
  • Fixed - PU - Fleet Week 2024 - Actor / UI - Physical Shopping - Physical shopping AR Card is flickering when approached, impacting functionality
  • Fixed - Aegis Reclaimer - ALL VARIANTS - Ships / Salvage / Master Mode / UI - Players are unable to access claw in the copilot seat and the UI changes to QT / NAV master mode without any feedback to the copilot (STARC-111581)
  • Fixed - Anvil Hornet - ALL Variants - PU - Vehicles - Flight controllers have pitch and yaw rotational max speeds reversed
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - ARC L4 - Locations - Lobby elevators cannot be called (STARC-109845)
  • Fixed - Community Localization - PU - Character Customizer / UI - Some labels cannot be localized (STARC-110101)
  • Fixed - PU - Law / Infractions / Notifications - Players cannot press charges against another player if they commit infractions against them
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Locations / Inventory - Users are able to place Hangar flare items in public areas where they cannot be picked back up
  • Fixed - MISC Prospector - PU/AC - Vehicles/Balance - Misc Prospector has invulnerable spot for its nose leading to no damage taken (STARC-109000)
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - microTech - Creatures / AI - Kopion are jittering and teleporting when running
  • Fixed - PU - UI / Upscaling - Shopping Kiosk UI missing elements when Upscaling is enabled
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mission Content / Law - Trespass timer will go to negative numbers (STARC-95347)
  • Fixed - PU - Option Menu - UI - “Water - Number of Simulated Regions” going back to Medium between sessions (STARC-104172)
  • Fixed - Origin 400i - PU - Vehicles - Life Support / Room System - Two room volumes are missing in the technical deck causing players to suffocate in the 400i (STARC-106700)
  • Fixed - Stanton - PU - mobiGlas / Visor Chat - Visor Chat messages remains visible over the mobiGlas
  • Fixed - PU - Physical Shopping - Locations - Multiple Locations - Items on display at multiple shops will end in ‘Transaction Error’ when attempting to quick buy
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mission Content / UI / mobiGlas - Completing a contract while the mobiGlas is open on the contract does not open the specific contract in the History tab
  • Fixed - PU - Runtime Cubemaps - Graphics / Lighting - Runtime cubemaps are taking an excessively long time refresh and / or not refreshing at all
  • Fixed - PU - Stanton - Distribution Centers (DC) - Locations / AI - The worker NPCs sometimes use tractor beams to shoot at the player
  • Fixed - PU - Actor - EVA - Depending on orientation, player places weapon through their head and neck when ADS
  • Fixed - RSI Ursa - PU - Vehicles / Design - Cannot enter Remote Turret
  • Fixed - Greycat ROC - Stanton - ROC Mining Laser Not Activating
  • Fixed - Crosshair not showing on GRIN_ROC
  • Fixed - PU - Character Customizer - Clicking the Character Customizer screen after reviewing your model and going back to it will show T-Posed models
  • Fixed - AC - UI / Scoreboard - The Grav Race mode does not show or update player score
  • Fixed - AC - Free Flight - UI - It is possible to select ground Vehicles for AC Free Flight mode, which can cause UI problems once in game lobby

Technical Updates:

  • Fixed 8 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 6 Server Crashes
  • Fixed an Out of Memory Crash
  • Fixed 2 Vulkan+Upscaling GPU Crashes
  • Made Further Entity Graph Stability Improvements
  • Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    I think that might be a mistake in patch notes actually. Can’t confirm right now but I think I’ve seen people mention it and the Firebird being in. That would makes sense since I don’t expect them to push another patch before ILW but, again, haven’t checked the game myself yet.