Libs: ‘I’m willing to look past his slavery, bigotry, defemation statements, manipulation, but I will also absolutely look past his sexual harassment!’
there’s no way Apartheid Emerald Man would ever do anything unethical
HIM?! No… No… The creepy weird billionaire who tries come off hip with the incels? No…
By this point it seems to be some kind of rite of entrance into the upper bourgeois club… like a twisted ‘test’ to prove you are above the law and at the top end of the class dictatorship.
This behavior is part of why they get this far. You’d have to be insane to actually want to be a billionaire, given the abuse and exploitation that’s needed for that. No sane person would be able to cope.
That’s why so many people in power do these things. They have no moral compas or empathy.
To be fair some are born with it. Amorality is a sufficient - but not necessary - condition for wealth. Which is why I think it is a ritual or societally ritualised culture/act as opposed to an inherent evil within the individual. The evil of the bourgeoisie seems to me to be a group evil, as opposed to an individual one.
It says he offered to buy her a horse wtf