u/corsica1990 over on th’other site posted a survey a few days ago, trying to figure out how easily people could intuit creatures’ worst saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will) based on just the creature’s name and bestiary art.

How’d you do? Also, will you, too, forever have nightmares about jellyfish clam squids? Because I ain’t ever unseeing that.

  • @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    18 / 25, which means I’m above random chance… barely. That’s what I get for posting before my coffee.

    You’ve got to share the results at the end, I’m dying to know!

  • Neato
    012 days ago

    Is this art from 1e or 2e? It’s cool as hell and I need to start searching Pathfinder monsters before just homebrewing something.

    • @KichaeOP
      111 days ago

      Pretty sure it’s 2e.

      Most of the bestiary artwork is on the Archives of Nethys, I think, so if you want inspiration for homebrewing, I’d dig through there.

      Stat blocks are easier to get off of pf2easy, but it’s harder to browse, and it doesn’t have the art. It does have the BattleZoo Bestiary, though, which is really, really cool (though not the 2nd one, Strange and Unusual, unfortunately).

      Also, I’ve found that the creatures from Flee, Mortals! port over to Pathfinder 2e really well, since they’re both pulling from D&D 4e. The pf2.tools monster template makes it almost trivial, in fact. Or if you want to port PF2 creatures to 5e, it provides a good template. Just remember that CR is approximately Creature Level + 2.