Matthews, who became only the ninth player ever to score 60 goals in multiple seasons over the weekend, has played in 553 regular-season games for the Leafs. He’s scored in 270 of them. In other words, Matthews has scored at least once, remarkably, in almost 50 percent (48.8 percent officially) of the games he’s played.

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There’s a case to be made that this season in particular will, or should, go down as the greatest by a Leaf — ever.

Greater than Matthews’ own 2021-22 season, when he set a franchise record with 60 goals and won the franchise’s first Hart Trophy in 67 years. Greater than even Doug Gilmour’s famed 1992-93 season, which saw him set a franchise record with 127 points.

Adjust for era, Matthews is headed for the greatest goal-scoring season by a Leaf in the modern era (and the three best after that, no less).
