Image of tweet by Kim from Kansas @kim_from_kansas:
Capitalists would like you to believe that liberalism is the left-most edge of the economic spectrum, precisely because it is the left-most point on the spectrum that doesn’t threaten their power.
True leftism threatens the power of capitalists. Liberalism is not leftism.

  • Grant_M
    1 year ago

    You offer no reasonable method of suddenly abolishing everything. This is a huge problem.

    HOW? Where is a detailed plan? All I see is “Lib bad”

      1 year ago

      Did you ever consider that it is you who have never actually sought it out, or even made the effort (did you even read any of those links?) rather than it not being there (or conveniently produced by someone else’s emotional labour)?

      (E: not to mention buttermilk already made some great suggestions above: Community building with mutual aid, local gardening with permaculture)

      None of us were born leftists, we were all born in to the same world you were and were socialised the same way. Unlearning that takes work, work that no one can do for you.

      So I won’t.

      Instead I’m just going to paste something I recently told another person who was making almost identical arguments to you:

      Join/create a union. Join/create a Food not Bombs. Actually invest your time reading up on socialism, anarchism, and becoming an anti capitalist in the way that personally suits you best, as well as what suits your community best, instead of expecting others to spoon feed you instructions.

      I literally know nothing about you, where you are and what your local community needs, what your able and not to do, how much trouble you’re willing to get in to or how much time and resources you have to spare, and a whole load more variables that mean I couldn’t possibly tell you what to do or how.

      Look up solidarity, look up dual power, look up building a community, take your own steps at your own pace.

      Or don’t.

      All I’m saying is don’t delude yourself (or others) in to thinking a boycott of a single company (or even all of them, but nothing beyond) is having any impact on anyone but you.