How are you grinding, if applicable?

How are you brewing it?

What’s your favorite brand of instant, if applicable?

Are you satisfied with the taste?

Do you need ideas on how to make it better?

    1 year ago

    Guatemala Proyecto Xinabajul Dos Villatoros from Sweet Maria’s, roasted just a little past medium, ground in a Hario Skerton by hand, about 5 clicks on the grinder setting, brewed pour over in a Melitta single serving ceramic cone. Bloom it first, pour splashy the second time. It takes about 2 minutes for the brew to finish.
    I play with beans and roast a lot, I am pretty fixed with brew technique.
    I found some instant in a Vietnamese market once that was interesting. I usually avoid instant.
    Like I said, I keep brew the same so as to evaluate playing with roasting, but I am open to ideas, I could probably do it better.