Going for one more run before Starfield. This time on Insanity difficulty. I have just beat Eden Prime and so far so good. How did your insanity run went?

Also, will Starfield fill your sci-fi itch or will we all return back to ME? From what i saw game looks very promising but since this is Bethesda we are talking about and it’s year of broken AAA games I can’t help to feel reserved. I don’t believe we will get space opera like ME but im really hoping that SF wont disappoint.

  • kaitco@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Are you playing the original games or Legendary Edition?

    I’ve found that the games are easier on MELE. That said, Insanity is what separates the casual from the hard core. ME1 on Insanity went all right, but Lord Almighty! ME2 had me wanting to give up gaming altogether.

    Going to check out this Starfield thing. I hadn’t heard a lot yet.