first post here, I was once active on reddit, but I can’t force myself to use that software, rotten to the core that is. I have no guide or tips to offer as you have plenty of them here, but I do like the change of atmosphere that something as simple as a different music can do, and while I like the new music for SPD, I have been listening to several dungeon synth albums, and I thought, why not collect them into a playlist. So here it is:

I hope I don’t break any rules whatsoever, but if I do tell me…as usual thanks for keeping this little game alive.

Key points

  • I do not own any of these albums, but all the videos have been posted according to the author’s permission
  • The video are linked to the creators page, where you can support them should you feel like it
  • I’d try to add some more to that - maybe even beyond dungeon synth, why not -