• WeirdAlex03
      2 months ago

      I mean, I haven’t yet seen a recommendation for a second person to provide accompaniment, but at least here in the US, CPR training does actually suggest performing chest compressions to the beat of Stayin’ Alive

      (Another One Bites the Dust also works well, but is… less advised to sing that one while doing cpr lol)

      ETA: Just remembered a hospital actually maintains a Spotify playlist of 100 BPM songs to do CPR to: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7oJx24EcRU7fIVoTdqKscK

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Thanks :)

        Reddit is really going down the drain. Too bad lemmy isnt very active from what i see

        • WeirdAlex03
          62 months ago

          Yeah Lemmy just doesn’t have the userbase to fill niches with as much breadth as Reddit. A lot of people (myself included) actually prefer the smaller, more intimate nature of things here, but it does hurt in cases like this

          Though as far as niche communities go, I’d say we’re a moderately decent-sized bunch. Far from the biggest and far from Reddit size, but not too small, either