
Via Hemant Mehta:

And just like that, Lara Trump has become the second most embarrassing #RNC leader.

RNC Chair Whatley: At the end of the day, this comes down to a very simple contrast between President #Trump and President #Biden. Were you better off four years ago than you are today? The answer for this entire country is no

  • Lawrence@mastodon.social
    7 months ago

    @[email protected] four years ago I was venturing into covid rooms wearing a two-week old respirator and sketchy plastic gown, trying to care for people who were scared and dying, no effective treatment or vaccine, short on supplies, living in a trailer in the back yard so as to not get my family sick.

  • Joe@sfba.social
    7 months ago

    @[email protected] Four years ago today, my family, stuck at home, was out of toilet paper and no one had any. Other paper supplies that might substitute (Kleenex and paper towels) also couldn’t be found. We finally scored some before things got desperate. So sure, Trump folks. Remember that time with nostalgia because gas prices crashed when no one could go anywhere.

  • JimTheWhyGuy@techfieldday.net
    7 months ago

    @[email protected] 4 years ago, my wife & I were calling voters to encourage them to vote in the IL primary for Sean Casten (IL-06), then to dinner for my wife’s b-day. Restaurant: almost empty

    It was the last time we’d leave our house unless we could find an N95 mask for the next 2 months.

    Spent the next 2 weeks trying to order a sewing machine, then finding fabric to make masks for my grandniece b/c her hospital didn’t have enough.

    Never forget: Trump and the GOP screwed the pooch on COVID-19.