Powerwolf - Night of the werevolves?
Genre is Trash
Exodus - Strike of the Beast?
Well I am in damn shock someone got this. You win a gold trophy🏆take good care of it case it’s very valuable.
Don’t know if the prompts are actual lyrics, or artist/titles, but it feels like I’m seeing a Beast In Black with Moonlight Rendezvous? Though I guess I’d expect a second person for that one…
BTW, wrong song. Genre is Thrash.
Are you looking from The Lyrics Game Community, if you are, the rules are in the sidebar. If you’re commenting from the AI images community, you should visit our community. Anyway, to answer your question, the prompts are just the lyrics.
All cool; will try to limit my mind to just lyrics :)
Might throw in some challenges of my own if I can find a generator that works properly without registering an account
Copilot works decently and best of all its free.
Does require an account for images sadly :(
Regarding thrash; I definitely know way too little modern stuff, but the big 4 are always nice to hear. I’m probably in a minority when I say I favor Anthrax and Megadeth though :p
Use a VPN and an email alias.
Anthrax and Megqdeth are minority, that’s news to me.
Might be selection bias, but when it comes to thrash most people I know cling to Slayer and after that early Metallica
Testament and Exodus blow them away.
Bat Outta Hell - Meatloaf?
I don’t think it’s right, but it reminds me of Bat Country - Avenge Sevenfold.